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Mr. Srikanth Vinnakota Director

ANALOG is guided by the able leadership of Mr. Srikanth Vinnakota, the director of the institute. Mr. Srikanth holds an M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and was qualified for Civil Services interview thrice with Mathematics and Psychology as optionals subjects. As he says, the institute is on a mission to bring out the dormant talents and skills in the students and the vision is to achieve the mission by providing right guidance that benefits the students. He believes that there is a great potential in everyone and the only thing they need is ‘wings’. ANALOG is where they get those wings of wisdom. That is how the institute walks with aspirants on the road to achievement.

ANALOG Faculty

Mr. Srikanth Vinnakota

Exp: 23 Years

Mr. Prasanna Kamidri

PD Trainer
Exp: 21 Years

Mr. D M Ravi Kumar

Sr. Faculty
Public Administration,
Indian Polity and Governance
Exp: 35 years

Mr Srinivas Sannidhanam

Sr. Faculty
Political Science and International Relations,
Indian Polity and Governance
Exp: 35 years

Mr. R C Sinha

Sr. Faculty
Post-Independent India
Exp: 35 years

Dr. Ravinder Reddy

Sr. Faculty
Exp: 15 years

Mr. Priyesh Singh

Sr. Faculty
Exp: 14 years

Mr. Kiran

Sr. Faculty
Quantitative Aptitude
Exp: 13 years

Mr. Deekshith

Exp. 9 years

Mr. Saideswar Rao

Exp: 7 years

Mr. Prudhvidhar

Indian Polity
Exp: 7 years

Mr. Siddharatha

Basics of Economy
Exp: 7 years

Mathematics Optional DEMO | By Mr. Vinnakota Srikanth | UPSC | ANALOG IAS ACADEMY

Political Science and International Relations Optional | By Mr. Srinivas | UPSC | ANALOG IAS ACADEMY

Public Administration Optional DEMO | Mr. D M Ravi Kumar | UPSC | Coaching - ANALOG IAS ACADEMY

General Essay Questions Analysis -1 | CSE(Mains) 2022 | Mr. Y Satyanarayna | ANALOG IAS ACADEMY

Indian Society Questions -Analysis | CSE(Mains) 2021 | By Mr. Amit Bose | ANALOG IAS ACADEMY

CSE(Mains) 2022 - Analysis | Geography | GS Paper 1 | Mr. Priyesh Singh | ANALOG IAS ACADEMY